Teaching approach

You will learn trough a variety of different approaches to learn a foreign language.  The main emphasis will be on interactive methods of teaching and creating the atmosphere of natural language environment in the class (face to face or online).
The communicative approach to foreign language teaching is combined with traditional methods in order to develop all kinds of speech and writing activity.  You will be able to learn about different cultural aspects of countries where the language is spoken. There will be specific focus on:

  • Communicative competence
  • Cultural exchanges
  • Interdisciplinary connections

Throughout your course you will participate in a variety of tasks, working individually, in pairs and in groups, to develop your language skills.

All courses are subject to a minimum number of 5 students.  When the number is less there will be a dialogue as to how to proceed.

If you are unsure about what course to choose, please fill in an enquiry form and we will get back to you.

A1 Primeros pasos

Tuesday 17.00/18.30 – £95

per 10 week block (to complete a full level you will need to do 30 weeks)

Starting date: September 29th

This course is aimed at complete beginners with no previous knowledge of Spanish and covers A1 of the Common European Framework of References for Languages. Students will be able to communicate with sympathetic native speakers using basic phrases in a variety of everyday situations.

The following topics will be covered on this course:

  • Personal information
  • Home and family information
  • Asking for directions in towns
  • Shopping
  • Eating out and booking accommodation.

Course book: Aula Internacional 1 (Student’s book).
Difusión. ISBN-13: 9788415846772

With the book you will gain access to the online platform campus.difusion.com (materials to be used in class, as homework and for self-study; details will be provided in class). For this online platform, students will need to open their own account and then, for full access, purchase a premium account for a year’s access (to be bought at the time of purchasing the book).

The course will also give you access to our VLE classroom on moodle, which provides a wide range of online activities and classroom resources.

A2 Despegando

Thursday 18.30/20.00 – £95

per 10 week block (to complete a full level you will need to do 30 weeks)

Starting date: October 1st

This course is aimed at complete beginners with no previous knowledge of Spanish and covers A2 of the Common European Framework of References for Languages. Students will be able to communicate with native speakers using everyday vocabulary and phrases in a variety of situations.

The course runs in 3 blocks of 10 weeks.

The following topics will be covered during the course:

  • Everyday activities
  • Shopping
  • Personal information
  • Transport
  • Accommodation and health

You will need to get the following course book:
Aula Internacional 2 (Student’s book).
Editorial Difusión, ISBN: 9788415640103

With the book you will gain access to the online platform campus.difusion.com (materials to be used in class, as homework and for self-study; details will be provided in class). For this online platform, students will need to open their own account and then, for full access, purchase a premium account for a year’s access (to be bought at the time of purchasing the book).

The course will also give you access to our VLE classroom on moodle, which provides a wide range of online activities and classroom resources.

B1 En marcha

Wednesday 10.00/11.30 – £95
Wednesday 18.30/20.00 – £95

per 10 week block (to complete a full level you will need to do 30 weeks)

Starting date: September 30th

The aim of this course is to enable students to communicate and interact at a B1 level and to further develop their skills and knowledge of the target language and culture.In this course you will develop the following language functions through a variety of topics:

  • Talking about hypothetical facts and situations.
  • Expressing prediction, hypotheses, possibilities and certainty.
  • Giving advice and suggestions.
  • Expressing opinions and interacting in any kind of debate.
  • Presenting facts and ideas clearly and efficiently.
  • Composing written pieces about current affairs and about topics related to Hispanic culture.
  • Improving reading and listening skills using authentic material.
  • Expressing the cause of an action or event.
  • Expressing, supporting and/or questioning different points of view you may agree or disagree with.
  • Suggesting, accepting, and refusing.

You will need to get the following course book:
Aula Internacional 3 (Student’s Book).
Difusión. ISBN: 978-84-15640-11-0.

With the book you will gain access to the online platform campus.difusion.com (materials to be used in class, as homework and for self-study; details will be provided in class). For this online platform, students will need to open their own account and then, for full access, purchase a premium account for a year’s access (to be bought at the time of purchasing the book).

The course will also give you access to our VLE classroom on moodle, which provides a wide range of online activities and classroom resources.

Preferred Day/Time

B2 Avanzando

Monday 18.30/20.00 – £95
Tuesday 10.00/11.30 – £95
Thursday 10.00/11.30 – £95

per 10 week block (to complete a full level you will need to do 30 weeks)

Starting dates: September 28th,
September 29th, October 1st

The aim of the course is to enable students who have an advanced knowledge of Spanish to acquire a better fluency in the language. Students will be able to follow discussions and debates on current issues as well as communicate in all situations using complex and linguistically more accurate structures. Cultural awareness will be further developed.

In this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in your field of specialisation.
  • Interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible, without strain for either party.
  • Produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
  • Carry out negotiations with speakers of the language in most run-of-the-mill situations.

You will need to get the following course book:
Aula Internacional5 B2.2 (Student’s Book).
Difusión. ISBN: 9788415846802

With the book you will gain access to the online platform campus.difusion.com (materials to be used in class, as homework and for self-study; details will be provided in class). For this online platform, students will need to open their own account and then, for full access, purchase a premium account for a year’s access (to be bought at the time of purchasing the book).

The course will also give you access to our VLE classroom on moodle, which provides a wide range of online activities and classroom resources.

Preferred Day/Time

One to one lessons

35 p/hr or if you book 5 lessons at once £140.

This can be the option to suit your needs. Each lesson lasts an hour and is taught via Skype or Zoom. When booking this option your tutor will first assess your level and discuss your goals with you in order to tailor the lessons to your individual needs.

Many students choose to take 1-on-1 lessons to improve their speaking skills. Your tutor can also help you with other skills such as grammar & listening, as well as specific challenges such as using the language at work and passing exams.

Number of lessons

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